At this time Spiritual Healing is legally recognised in Great Britain and any doctor with the General Medical Council can use or prescribe Spiritualist Healing.The General Medical Council policy permits doctors to agree to, or suggest that a patient seeks Spiritual Healing. This is however, on the proviso that the doctor continues to give whatever medical treatment he/she feels is necessary and remaining responsible for the patient at all times. Providing that the doctor is informed, patients in NHS hospitals have the right under ‘Patients Rights’ to request Spiritual Healing.
Malcolm, who is an Approved Healer of the Spiritualists National Union offers Healing according to the SNU Code of Conduct. Spiritual Healing is a form of healing by use of forces and energies from the world of spirit, channelled through the healing medium, by the “laying on of hands” on or near the body, or prayer or the direction of thought from a distance. No healer can guarantee a cure, but at the very least theycan alleviate suffering, ease a passing and possibly effect a complete cure. Spiritual healing is not faith healing. Patients have been treated without their knowledge as by absent healing, or by being too ill, or too young to understand. All healing is complementary to the medical profession and must not be used as an alternative to medical advice given by your own Doctor. Healing is suitable for men, women, children and animals, it will not harm in any way. The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons accept Spiritualist Healing as both legal and ethical.
Trance healing works in a similar way to that of Spiritual healing except that the Medium works in a state of trance( altered state of conciousness), which allows the Medium’s Spirit Healing Guides and Helpers to come closer and actually converse with the patient. All healing is complementary to the medical profession and must not be used as an alternative to medical advice given by your own Doctor. Healing is suitable for men, women, children and animals, it will not harm in any way.
As we know thoughts are a living substance. So it must then be, that if we think healing thoughts, these thoughts must go to the person we send them to, to encourage with spirit the healing processes.
As with contact healing you still have to go through the rudiments of thought, attunement, and mild meditation. Throughout their healing career, the more progress and development a healer makes the more evolved they will become. Because we are all individuals, all forms of healing are very personal. So how a healer does their absent healing is far less important than the intent. As I have said all healers are individuals and therefore, how we remember our own list of patients is as unique as are the healers themselves.
Here are some suggested ways :-- repeating names and addresses, writing them in a book or on cards, then again they may not keep a list but just offer a general prayer for collective healing. Some healers will call upon a certain guide to do the healing after first explaining the complaint and sometimes a suggested cure. I have no doubt as to the success of absent healing. It is of little consequence whether or not a patient has asked or even knows that healing is taking place, the healing will still take effect. If a healer can have a personal link with the patient this would be most beneficial especially psychologically. This can be by means of a third party such as a friend or by letter or any other way just so that a link is made. These intercessions should be positive and meaningful.
Patients appreciate the effort a healer puts in on their behalf. When a healer sends a letter or makes a phone call to express their concern for more positive links, this can be in the form of a special time for them both. This time has to be used very carefully, let the patient know that once the link is made either one or both of you can tune into the power of the great spirit regardless of where you are, or whatever the time. It is a fact that attunement is a vital requirement for the process of absent healing, as it is with any other form of spiritualist healing.
As I have already said attunement to the great spirit is essential, there are many different ways to attune as there are individual healers. Here are some suggested ways of attunement, by meditation, by listening to soft relaxing music or sitting with a group of people with the same intent.
Each healer will find their own method of attunement that will be comfortable for them. Absent healing is a valuable addition to contact healing, especially for patients who cannot travel or receive contact healing. This gives the patient reassurance that they are not forgotten and that someone is concerned about them.